Frequently Asked Questions


What are Woollets made of?

Woollets, wool pellets, are made with 100% wool. No fillers, no additives, just raw wool that has been shredded and heat pelletized for ease of use.

Do Woollets, wool pellets, expire?

Woollets are shelf stable for at least five years if kept dry and out of sunlight.

Will Woollets, wool pellets, burn my plants?

Woollets nutrients are naturally occurring in the wool and therefore will not burn plants. Nutrients are slowly released as the material naturally breaks down over the course of a year.

Do Woollets, wool pellets, contain weed seeds?

The raw wool used to make Woollets can contain seeds, but the pelletizing process heats the material enough to kill the seeds making most of them unviable.

Why are some Woollets dark and others light?

The raw wool used to make Woollets comes from many different colored sheep. Some sheep have grey wool, some have black, some have brown and some white/yellow. The pellet color is determined by the color of the sheep’s wool.

Why are some Woollets shiny and smooth while others are fuzzy and bumpier?

The texture of the pellet is determined by a few factors. How long did the pellet remain in the pellet mill? We have discovered that pellets that sit in the die overnight are much harder and shinier than pellets that come out immediately. What was the lanolin content of the wool? The natural lanolin helps the pellets compact better. What was the moisture content when the wool was pelletized? More moisture at the time of pelleting creates the fuzzier look. No matter what your Woollets look like, they will still do the job!